Monday, September 14, 2009

Not Easy

The time pass by every minute and every second. I'm trying to make myself have more activity, such as gym or reading. Sometimes, I can also gather with all my girl's friends. They're caring & helpful. By the way, I understand to forget somebody is not easy.
Now I'm trying my best to help my friend also, she also broke up. When she tell me her story, I feel so sad. Our feelings are all the same . She say i understand her, sure i understand because my feeling and my sadness same as her.
I feel so stupid to keep remain like this, wasted my time. But all my friend say is normal for it. Time will cure everything. So i also tell my best friend the same word everyone tell me.

The best change offer starts with a simple wishful dream
Everyone think me easy to fall in love. But my personally is not like this. I just friendly and happy go lucky only.

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