Monday, September 14, 2009

Not Easy

The time pass by every minute and every second. I'm trying to make myself have more activity, such as gym or reading. Sometimes, I can also gather with all my girl's friends. They're caring & helpful. By the way, I understand to forget somebody is not easy.
Now I'm trying my best to help my friend also, she also broke up. When she tell me her story, I feel so sad. Our feelings are all the same . She say i understand her, sure i understand because my feeling and my sadness same as her.
I feel so stupid to keep remain like this, wasted my time. But all my friend say is normal for it. Time will cure everything. So i also tell my best friend the same word everyone tell me.

The best change offer starts with a simple wishful dream
Everyone think me easy to fall in love. But my personally is not like this. I just friendly and happy go lucky only.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Mr Right & Wrong

From the previous i though myself is strong ,i can handler all the emotion easily, but the real is i am not strong as all my friend thinkings, some more worse. I feel tired & sad for myself, beacuse my happy go lucky character, I use so many years create out then sploit because of one guy. Totally suffer myself only. I know all this thing is silly, when after few month or few years thinking back sure can laughs until crazy because understand the all of this is stupid.

So i ask myself, know is stupid why keep doings, why need to sploit your self, i must love myself then anything. My face become more ugly now.
I really glad because all my friend keep stay behind support me, they use explaination, scold & accompany me. Because of that I keep disturd & talking some thing repeat thing until my self fadam also. But now my friend need my help, when i need them they beside me, if i not wakeup anymore how i go helping my friend? ' your dont have hair how to go make curle hair ? '

Here i want share a part of my Lovely sister send me from UK

Dear Sis,

Remember God had arrange somone for u, to spend your life with the "Mr. Right".. You wil definitely met some wrong one, before you meet the right one. Mr. Wrong is just temporary, they are not belong to you. That's why God just let them pass by in your life for a very short moment.. You have to have faith in yourself and believe in God that someone already arranged for you, waiting for you in front. Remember, the next one always will be a better one.. See, U met Mr 1, but he is not a good one. Then you met Mr N, who i think better than Mr 1, but he is not good enough. The next one will be definitely better than Mr N. Trust me.

"If you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If they don't, their love was never yours to begin with..."

Remember, u promise to love yourself more than anyone. We know each other for 15 years.. We grow up together, we watched each other had our first bf, we watched each other broke up with bof, we watched each other hurted by the bad guys and cried so sadly.. It's part of life.. But I really hope I can watch you stand up and be strong after being hurted. We have to live in pride. We are born to be pampered and sayang by guys.. So, live like a princess, a very attractive women full of pride.

Sis, where is your arrogant?? Be graceful, live life to the fullest..

No one can help u if u not helping yourself.. I wish to see you smile again, confidently...

Remember, someone your Mr. Right is waiting for u in front.. :D

Now I want to thank everyone say same thing to me, I want wakeup, dont worry me. Because not valuable for i keep moody here. be strong and promise I have given to you all ^.^

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Arigato For All Support

My side so many family & friend support, I dont want them to worry me anymore. The time really is cure for everything. The time pass everyday. If i still unhappy, my life will stuck there. Now YaneKKi are back. I will Love myself & take care myself.
Today is a day i must do a best, because the Day are no return, Yes you regret for something but this sure will have. Just take it is a part of your life, dont scare just face it.
The better one will reach to you in future, dont scare to lost anything.Now you live with all family & friend wishing. They wishing & hope you good & happy in your life. I have so many supported, i sure no need to crazy for you anymore. For the moment, no need thinking for anything because me & you already friend. Your selfish leave me behind. So i also must selfish to love my self better. Because tomorow coming you dont know what will happen.

'Arigato gozaimasu to all my Family & tomodachi'
Thank for you all always support me, beside me, chatting with me, planing activity to me & other. I so glad you all at my side support me.
Haha.... after i chief open my cafe, i will treat all my friend a special cup of coffee.

Monday, July 20, 2009


This month really hard for me, everything happen too fast. Like roller coaster when you thinking your self is the one happiness suddenly the roller coaster turn to down bring all sadness. I wakeup lol, althought i still sad but really dont want to make all my friend worry about me. I also understanding if i still keep the sadness mood, i hard to Move On. The most important sad u need to live, Happy u need to live. Why you not choice the happy way. Happy not easy to get sick, the luck will always come to you.
Smile always bring the bright to you & to you love.
I dont hope my friend busy, they thinking of me. Planning activity to me... haha, i very appreciate all of them, spend a lot time for me.
I also dont hope keep sad, if this guy really love me, he sure will thinking & care me. Is i still continue tear just bring him a trouble only.
Tell to myself, i love him... i need support him as he request. Although i have scare a lot will lost him, but if he really the ending man for me. We will continue back together because the fate.

The always 'Tai Siu Ku PO' yanekki will be back soon ^.^

Sunday, July 12, 2009


My best girl friend know i still sad, she send me a very meaning full article to me. Anyway i like to hear a song name : 我的回憶不是我的 & 你的承若 at this moment. The lyric is very suitable for my feeling now. I dont hope my sadness & keep force until both of us nice & good memory become the worse thing. I hope the happniess you had bring to me will keep for me. Although i understand i have a lot thing should not to do, but i really cant control my tear. I understanding the moment is hard for me go through but the life is still going on every second & minute. Nothing wrong for my tear, or have hoping or wish. Just want the sad moment can pass more easily.

你可能觉得难过 因为无论你对他怎么好 他都不领情
他不是看不到 他只是装作看不到 或者他根本不想看到
你觉得自己很喜欢他 你用尽全力对他好
把他看得比自己还重要 有什么事情第一个就想到他
联系不到他的时候 你担心他担心得快疯了
然而你有没有想过 这并不在你的责任范围
而且很有可能他是在躲着你 他受不了你对他那么好
不要一直发短信给他 不要一直找他
你也许只是想找他说说话 你觉得那很正常 不算苛求
但是也许他并不这么想 记住 你的想法不代表他的想法
你是真的不求回报的在喜欢他吗 你扪心自问一下
你确定不用他回报什么吗 那为什么你会难过
若是真的一无所求 你又怎么会觉得难过呢
所以 别觉得你那么爱他是伟大的 也许他根本不在乎你怎么为他付出

别事事为他担心为他张罗 你觉得别人做不到你那么完善
但是你要清楚 你不是他要的那个人
不用你来费心 那个位置本来就不是你的

不要觉得自己有多可怜 或者把自己弄得很可怜
这样做一点意思也没有 他不会因为你可怜而喜欢你
你说道理你都懂 只是做不好
不是你做不好 是你不想做
你不是怕忘记他 你是怕他忘了你吧
他若是离不开你 他就不会不要你
不懂事的人是你 难道你没看出来吗
喜欢他不是你的错 想关心他不是你的错
控制不住自己不是你的错 但是那是你的方式
所以如果你喜欢他 他不喜欢你
那么就请你默默的 别试图让他知道
就算你会难过 甚至难过的流泪
都请你默默的 就算是逼自己也好

Monday, June 29, 2009

Satification Part 2

Early morning i drive my car with listen very old song. I still thinking the Satification meanning. Suddenly my mind have this sentences:-
When he or she treat you good, You will ask for more, When he or she cant to it, The mis understanding will start. Then you will start to complain. If he or she give you how much, you just accept with happy and not request for more. Do you think you will happy?
By the way i am the type everytime request for more. Not only for Lover, i wish for my job also.
I wish my moody & feeling fast to recovery because i not just suffer my self, to my all best friend saw me like this they pity me also. I dont hope make them worry. But at the moment i really bored for everything. I easy angry or have arguement with some friend. Actually i dont want both side angry each other. But i feel stuck now.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Yesterday i shopping with Jeanious & Velva. I have told her Jeanious, recently I unbalance my mood & feeling. Make me easy to angry or moody. She told me very meaning full storey.

1) if you Love your self 100% then person you find will love you 100%
2) if you Love your self only 10% then person you find also will love you 10% only
3) everyone walk different path but when they choice to be lover the way will be same. but they area different path before so much understanding each other to see the way they walk is same or have future.
4) Confident will bring beautiful

The word from Jeanoius mouth is really touching me. After that i refresh back some wording.

1) if you not Love your self how to Love other
2) if you not Love your self how to other love you

Friday, June 5, 2009

The BoX

What is the box? if conneted with feeling, What is the meaning? For me is the thing you cant settle you will feel stuck & bad moody. If the thing settle you will feel relaxing & happy.
The Box i sad , the feeling is down & want to cry. Hope can find the way to open the Box. My box is smaller but have much here. After open one by one still have existing then will add a new Boxs. this issue for everyone also same. but the most my big box for me is with guy relationship. Make me every time tirings, the box already open you think already settle, the same Boxs will back. Finally argue with the same issue. Then how to be happy?
I hope all my friend a box in the hearts find the way to open. Enjoy the life here.
one person only can life for once. So we should happy^.^
Because too many friend bad mood here..

Friday, May 8, 2009

Start to type Diari

I am diari princess? No! i like to write my diari but because the technology world now. everybody busy with the handphone & notebook. So i just Choice to type in at notebook.
My happy & sadnees drop it down make me feel for comfortable.
I should happy because have a new life now, but feel not secure. Have a bit scarely but lucky have girl friend at my side keep give me a good opinion.
Sometimes thinking the few years life continue suddenly decide changing must more strong to accept & forgive. But i never turn back & regret.^^
Happy Everyday

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tonite is decide day

the Case almost more then 2 years. I decide tonite to settle it. my heart beat very fast, feel sad & want to cry, Hope to go sing K. Anyway if i not settle this issue how i going to my better life.
If i never find my self, how i can happy to my life.
For me life must be enjoy & happy. Not for the everyday think the sadness & the thing that you wish to forgive & forget.
Here i need to thank to all best girl friend very support me. This is make me feel i not alone at this earth.
Friendship & family for me the most important.
Gambarimasu..... new hair cut new life....
Sad need time to cure it ^^
Memory still is lovely thing......
Better one sure at infront.... just believe my self the happy will be my side. ^^

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Love Step

1) Love is like a groom a flower, If love is so easy like a flower,
~ then i think everyone will more happy, but the fate is not like so easy ~

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Who am I

Try the facebook Quiz for me is quite true at this moment.

What Color is your personality ?
MELON Color - You are a very shy person. But you are also very compassionate and kind. You love to help other people, and you are very selfless. If someone is hurt, you are always the first one to help even if you don't know them. However, you are very timid, so you don't have many friends. If you want to be someone's friend, tell them. Trust me, they want to be your friend too. Your motto: "Others before me."

What Color is your heart ?
The Crimson Heart is assertive, brave, energetic, action-oriented, intelligent, individualistic, independent, impulsive, full of strength, competitive, eager, straightforward, forceful, headstrong, pioneering, a leader, focused on the present and freedom-loving. They can also sometimes be intemperate, violent, impatient, fiery, rash, extreme, and arrogant.

When Will get married ?
If you get married around this age then you have some good experience around the oppisite gender! You should just make sure that the person your with is your soul mate!

What is my past life ?
In your past life you were Queen Elizabeth I. In this life you continue to have strong relationships with friends, have a conservative disposition, use your sexuality to gain power, and are careful to not take sides.

What Disney Princess Are you?
Cinderella You are Cinderella, the most beautiful princess ever. You have exceptionally high standards and are willing to work hard and make sacrifices to achieve your dreams. Lucky for you, your prince is just around the corner..

Monday, March 23, 2009

In the Love Mood

Love is need
Love is lost something
Because this we like to hear Love song
No matter now in Love
No matter you love him more
No matter he Love you more
Love or people Love you is a happiness
Love need a break
Good story ending can't too dreaming
Leave me alone have a big crying
Ending with no meaning, my heart still with you
That day leave you, have leave you few word
Now give me a big blow wing
Can't confirm my heart, my feeling tomorrow dont know where i am

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ThinkinG ^@^

This few day i think too much for a lot thing. But until now also empty result. I feel my self almost go in to the deep & bigger hole until cant breath. Until this moment i understand the reason & thing happen, but my heart & my mind not enough strong. I sad because my friend ask me same case opinion, i give strong opinion to her, but when happen to my self i really cant make it.... haha... Are this is normal for all.... Easy to talk not easy to do.
I also dont want too moody because my best friend see me like this, they will worry me.. I dont want make trouble to them.
1) some problem you think is big but actually is not problem in they eyes.
2) some u feel is great but they will feel different.
3) different mind different thinking.
4) be a resposibility person is good then just talk
5) have apple but wish to taste orange
6) want make changing but scare to change
7) feel like but scare is different
8) saw sms thought is concern actually checking
9) make a call is sweet but make he/she think too much.
10) concern will be thinking is stragies
11) when want to do need a reason to support
12) the reason u think is enough but they think is bull shit
13) be support but they think you not

my meaning not only for lover, this happen in friend relationship.
Too many case in my mind now, i hope can be help my self & my friend^^
My Word is : Happy to life is the most important, as long u happy u can do ...

My New Hair New Life

Cut my hair from Long to this short Length is my second time after my primary school.
then i never cut my hair to short anymore, because my mum like my long hair. Long hair bring me to more confident. But i cut my hair this month 1/3/09.
The stylist keep ask me what my feel at the moment, my answer just cant say u do it. i believe you. i never say please dont cut so short.
What in my mind that time really didnt have... empty... when saw the floor a lot my hair .... i just say wah i have so much hair.... why i didnt sad?
Until today i also not feel sad for my hair accompany me so much time.
but i found out to my feel suddenly hope My New Hair will Bring new Life to me.
Hope give me more - lucky & successful......
Really hope all will be best^^

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Website

I have create two website for my self. One is for my modelling record & the second one is for my sweet memory with 5 yam.

Modelling website included my profile shoot, the making for magazine or product, the making for movie or drama, magazine & newpaper i appear before and some fashion i very like & have nice picture. So i just post it there.
Hope can help me get more fashion show or shoot to grain my experience, for my dreamm here.

5 yam website is great for my few best girl frd, all our activity will post there.
included our hong kong trip.

Anyway i still looking good website and free of charge to created more easy to access.^^
any opinion?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Hong Kong Trip for 4 yam

Hong Kong Trip with few best girl frd when secondary school all call us 5 Yam girl. But now only 4 yam because one of girl as disapper with us. the trip we plan long time almost 10yr finally can go together. Have a lot fun we all buy a lot thing back. Like me also buy 6 same music box back. crazy de shopper.
1 day

Arena Star is a lot history memory for us remeber the artis

The curry ball the most nice is at 711. Should try.

First group picture for us.

The cloud like all the goat sitting. so amazing.

2 day
I am the photgrapher to get the silent memory moment. they actually dont know it
The Staircase so colorful is saloon. lol

Our signage is green or blue there all is white. Two pretty pose like so po.

DisneyLand Tour
is the amazing place bring us back to small moment. And i all spend then RM1k just buy the cute item.

the picture is take from timer
Sleeping beauty is the storey i always watch when child. really sweet to think back, finally they can be together

magic magic magic! i wantback to hk again

this tafu is not normal because it busuk. haha. but when i eat as normal only

My poor thing for the wholle trip is eye allergie. i cant wear contact lens, if not like this above my eyes want jump out as red. anyway i like the hello kitty cup for MD

3 day
Logo show the olympic court. amazing because this only one part of it.

Read carefully above very funny word

The tree is full of mystery and history. it hear all the heaven message. Because here is Wong Tai Sin Temple
4 day
The polo bun is very nice at London restaurant but try everytime go there.

Louise say i hang with her man. because suppose one for one
Magic feel
Wah the big singer

5 day

6 Day

Last day to Tai Sam ba

Make a wish is i always do

My trip ending with amazing history everyday also have a big thing happen, until we all damn angry & keep complaint to the shop, restauran, teksi. Until we reach airport Louise is hold at check in because forget to pack the new remove over then 100ml lugage until the bottle new buy need leave there. Me until at plane aslo have storey, the stewardess take back the the cup at the rubbish refill drink to me. this is very horrible without say sorry. Bad service Air asia the two of them is Siki & Janet
Anyway this trip i full of fun & buy a lot item back^^

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Find My Prince

Tell you all i finally get my prince for my life. The most idol i like, also have million fans for him de. My heart will beat faster when i watch he movie and saw he picture. He cute & bring mystery. I like him from 2004. When he come to malaysia have signature Cd, i also go & the concert the most fun because me and my cousin sister is free to enter the VIP area. How i get in is sercet. i also pass by the back stage far who i talking about?

I mean is him Vic Zhou. Actually long time i din't think him much. but the feel suddenly back. always make me remeber he face. Anyway i still have few idol i like. Just intro to you.

Vanessa Wu he look hansom, actice, sexy and i like he dancing.

Raymond Lum he acting very nice, prefect face and cool

Deal or not Deal

2007 i have a very great and nice job. that is Deal Or Not Deal TV game program at ntv7.

I miss the moment. the history for me is i knew few of best girl friend there.

Although have season 2 i not take part of it. I still have connected with season 1 girl. They all very friendly, clever & pretty. All attitude also differently but the amazing is they still can join to one line.
Jean she is Genius, the tarot she calculated make everyone book her for break time.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Chinese New Year 2009 activity

2009 is a good start for everyone.

This year i as normal go everyway get angpow. But the activity a bit different.I watch a lot movie, midvalley cinema earn a lot my money.

Jan 09 i go cinema watch Yes Man, Underworld, The Wedding Game, Ka You Hei Xi, Red Cliff, Inkheart. Some the list the most remance sure is The Wedding Game, the full of storey & graphix work very nice is Red cliff & Inkheart. i like inkheart because Brenda Fraser. but i dont understand why all he movie almost have mumia appear. haha..

Beside always go watch movie i also go my Sifu house, my auty house. Everyway i also take picture. Especially this year my cousin sister buy digital camera already she and my sis keep take picture. Until everytime, everyway. haha..... So i also take a lot picture for this Cny full of fun.

Everyone hope will be more better after CNy. Life more easy.

I wish all my family & Friend dream come true. For my self also. Hope to grain my dream as flower.